Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Anti Stress Eating Habits

Before Eating Do not proceed to eating mechanically! Realize that what you are going to do is of life importance for you! You have to give your best in choosing the right food which will satisfy the very last whim of any single cellule of yours. While Eating Habits Chew slowly! Food should be chewed well to facilitate as much as possible the digestion and the metabolism processes which will follow. Realize that eating the food is just the very first step of the complex process of feeding your body. Enjoy the taste of the food! The tasty food is a source of strong positive mood. Pay attention to the tastes. Give yourself a chance to enjoy them and limit talking as much as possible. Do not drink tea! Tea contains big quantities of acids, which hinder proteins absorption. Do not eat fruits with the main course! The time needed to assimilate fruits is much less compared to other foods and mixing them will distort the digesting process and will inflate your stomach. Eat fruits one hour before or after having the main course. After Eating Habits Walk! Definitely walk at least for 10 to 15 minutes! The very wrong thing you can do after eating is to immediately sit in a chair or lay on a bed. Do not smoke straight after eating! Smoking inflates your stomach and results in feeling it over filled. Some experts even say it may result in ulcers. Do not even think about a bath! Having a shower stimulates the blood stream to the hands, legs and body surface, which results in less blood going to your stomach. For Breakfast A good counteraction to stress is to have cereals during breakfast. They are a powerful source of energy and all vitamins from the B complex. In case you feel hungry between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner do not be temped to have chips, crackers, croissants or chocolate. It is much better to just eat an apple or drink a glass of juice or water. For Lunch In case of stress, to be able to save your ability to work at lunch time eat food rich in proteins, i.e. chicken drum sticks, omelets, scrambled eggs, yellow cheese. Also a good anti stress lunch should include a bunch of fruits and vegetables. The fructose they contain has a miraculous effect over human body in terms of providing the necessary levels of energy. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins as well. For Dinner For dinner the most convenient foods are those rich in starch – potatoes, rice, and bread. Miscellaneous Good Anti Stress Eating Habits In case of stress do not eat foods rich in fats (especially animal fats source of cholesterol). They require much energy to get absorbed by the body and thus make you more nervous. If all the day you are constantly on the move, take a bottle of mineral water with you and drink big quantities of herb tea. Tea is a very strong anti-depressant. Good anti stress eating habits are a major key to build a healthy body and to establish a strong shield against stress. The minimum quantity of water we need daily is between 1 and 2 liters. The general rule is the more water we drink the better. Be cautious with mineral water though. Highly mineralized water is not good for daily consumption. Alternate it with normal cub water.
If you are used to coffee do not stop drinking it at once. The human body is quite sensitive to the levels of caffeine and decreasing its levels suddenly may result in more stress for you. Have different kinds of spices. Parsley, Rosemary, Dill, Basil, Chile are all spices that contribute to a better mood. Eat rice frequently. The combination of carbohydrates contained in it contributes to the creation of serotonin – the substance for good mood. Rice contains also extremely useful proteins and a good combination of vitamins B. Another source of serotonin is tomatoes. Stop eating three hours before going to bed. Eating at night forces us to use energy on digestion. Let your body be as much relaxed as possible so you can wake up full of energy. Go to the delicious anti stress menus prepared just for YOU You are already equipped with a number of tested and useful good anti stress eating habits which if followed will definitely help you against the tough fight against stress. Healthy Recipes or Foods That You Love? Write about them here Found magic foods and recipes that make you feel healthy and strong? Share your favorite ones, vote and comment on the best! This way we can build priceless stress nutrition library with delicious and healthy advices for everyone.

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